UQ's Centre for Critical and Creative Writing is excited to annouce the launch of the the Queer Reading Group, created for the growing number of CommArts postgard students who are working on LGBTQI+ critical and creative writing projects.
We'll meet in the Writers Studio in the Michie Building from 12-1pm on the last Wednesday of each month to work our way through cutting edge queer theory and the back canon, tackling topics that align with group members' projects and interests. Topics like queer aesthetics, queer futurities, queer dramaturgy, and neuroqueer scholarship are all on our wish list so far!
Staff or students from other schools are more than welcome to join us as well! Grab a sandwich and a cup off coffee and come and join us as we work our way through some challenging reading in a supportive and collegial staff-student team atmosphere!
We kick off on Wednesday 24 May. We hope to see you there - if you have any questions or queries please email Stephen at: s.carleton@uq.edu.au
Key Information
Date: Last Wednesday of every month starting 24 May
Time: 12pm - 1pm
Location: Writers Studio in the Michie Building
Contact: Stephen (s.carleton@uq.edu.au)