About The Women of 1922: Feminist Experiments in Modernism's Miracle Year

A symposium to revisit and commemorate the centenary of women's contributions to Year One in High Modernism: 1922


This day-long symposium  revisits and commemorates those women who boldly “forge[d] the dusk of Chaos” (Mina Loy, “Apology of Genius,” 1922) that was the annus mirabilis of modernism, 1922.

In addition to commemorating the canonical and non-canonical women of modernism alike, within and beyond the “critical mass” of Euro-American modernists who preoccupied the old modernist studies, this symposium aims to address bigger questions about the logic of periodicity, historicity, and linearity that shape our understanding of the modernist project. What can our individual and collective discussions about the feminist conceptions of time that resounded in ’22 across a range of forms and media, tell us about current debates on temporality and periodizing modernity in contemporary modernist studies?

Guest speakers include:

Mark Byron (University of Sydney)

Simon During (University of Melbourne)

Jessica Gildersleeve (University of Southern QLD) Naomi Milthorpe (University of Tasmania) Sascha Morrell (Monash)

Julian Murphet (University of Adelaide)

Sean Pryor (UNSW)

Karin Sellberg (University of QLD)

Lorraine Sim (Western Sydney University)

Ann Vickery (Deakin )

Andrew van der Vlies (University of Adelaide)

This event will also include a poetry recital by distinguished poet Jill Jones, and a virtual keynote by Francesca Wade, acclaimed author of Square Haunting (Faber 2020)

Event Details

Date: Friday 26 August 2022

Time: 9.15am —  5.30pm

Location: The Terrace Room, Sir Llew Edwards Building (14)

Event Zoom link: https://uqz.zoom.us/j/83484975105 


Event Program





9.15— 9.30am


Tamlyn Avery

Opening Remarks

9.30— 10.25am


Francesca Wade

Reconstructing the Women of 1922

10.25— 11.25am

Panel 1

Simon During

Mansfield, Heresy, Critique

Sascha Morrell

Edith Wharton’s Glimpses of the Moon and the False Dichotomy between modernism and romanticism

11.25— 11.45am

Morning Tea

11.45— 1pm

Panel 2

Mark Byron

Mina Loy, Marianne Moore, and Baroness Elsa’s Collaborations

Ann Vickery

Amy Lowell’s A Critical Fable

Sean Pryor

Hope Mirrlees and Charlotte Mew: Poetry and critical discourse

1— 1.30pm


1.30pm— 2.30pm

Panel 3

Andrew van der Vlies

Virginia Woolf, Karel Schoeman, Fiona Melrose: Hauntings and Disappointments

Karin Selberg

Scandinavian national romanticism: Karin Boye and Sigrid Undset

2.30— 3.00pm

Honours Student Reflections on ‘22

Jaimie Dwyer; Sam Hammond; Lucy Turner

3— 3.15pm

Afternoon Tea Break

3.15— 4.10pm

Panel 4

Julian Murphet

Gertrude Stein's Georgraphy and Plays

Lorraine Sim

Virginia Woolf’s Happiness

4.10— 4.40pm

Poetry Reading

Jill Jones

4.45— 6pm

Drinks and Networking at St Lucy's UQ